Dave Mueller is considered a Footstock institution. Anyone who has ever competed in Crandon has been maligned, harassed or trash talked by Dave. As the official announcer of Footstock, Dave has entertained tens of thousands of barefoot fans over the years. His antics on and off the mic have inspired t-shirts, bumper stickers, even a call to run for President. His nicknames of top skiers, ranging from “The Communist” Randy Mikolai to “Disgruntled Postal Worker” Mike Netzer have kept crowds laughing for over a decade. Despite significant hair loss and several run-ins with local law enforcement officials, Dave continues to provide the entertainment that keeps the Footstock crowds laughing. And whether you’re a Footstock sponsor or one of the world’s top barefooters, you are never safe from Dave’s wrath. Dave is an equal opportunity offender. Along with long time partner John Arneson, they are easily the finest announcing team in all of barefoot water skiing.